• After 25 years in education, through these sessions I am able to let go of the fact that I don’t need to be an artist to be creative. The strategies that I learned today are simple yet powerful enough to allow multiple access paths to leadership, teaching and learning.

    Site Leader

  • The sessions helped me rededicate my actions to advance equity. Lately I've been feeling like I'm in a rut but the sessions, book recommendations, and hearing others problems of practice have helped me tap into my creativity as a leader.

    District Leader

  • I have become more reflective in my practice. Talking and listening to other members of this group have helped me realize that many of us are facing the same challenges and workshopping strategies to figure things out have definitely helped. I am learning to let others on my team have more autonomy, "letting go" of some of the control and delegating to balance work/life balance. Focusing on more emotional and mental health rather than check lists and to do's.

    School Site Leader

  • Participating in IDEAL's Creative Leadership sessions has made me more reflective. I find that I can engage with my own thinking around my learning and practices.

    Site Leader

  • Being able to visualize how I perceive the connections at my school made reflect on the difference between what we have and what we want to have in relation to equity and how to get there. It was illuminating to me in many ways. I especially appreciate the time and safe space to share with other educational leaders, learn from and with them.

    School Site Leader

  • More time to slow down and be thoughtful and intentional about things I am doing at work.

    District Leader


Through collaboration and support from UC Berkeley Graduate School of Education, Principal Leadership Institute 21CSLA programs, IDEAL offers two Leadership Learning Academies for Educational Leaders. These professional communities of practice focus on creative art-centered strategies and approaches to build healthy and expressive learning communities that can affect lasting positive school change through the implementation of creativity and social justice as a leadership lens to inform and improve the public education field.

We are currently offering two communities of practice for leaders who work in California Region IV areas designed and facilitated by DEAL’s Leadership team: Trena Noval, Constance Moore, Cammie Harris and Judy Goodwin.

Strategies for Creative Educational Leadership

How do we design, adapt and use creative strategies in leadership? This professional learning community supports school, district and County Office of Education leaders in creating equity-centered transformational change in public education. This program is grounded in three core intersectional frameworks: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Arts Integration practices, and Educational Research and Planning that provide a common language for anti-racist practices that support school communities and positive student outcomes. CSEL is led by IDEAL co-founder Trena Noval and retired principal leaders Cammie Harris, Judy Goodwin and teacher leader Constance Moore. This project is funded by the 21st CSLA grant through the State of California Department of Education. Learn more here.

Releasing the Imagination: Creating an Impactful Leadership Practice 

How can engaging in creative practices transform and heal educational communities? Transformative work in education calls for thinking differently so that we get different results. Putting creative practices at the center of leadership and learning is a proven equity strategy. Creative practices support innovation and invention in approaching problem solving by lifting up individual ideas and voices in a collective community. In this workshop, you will engage in hands-on, embodied creative experiences that promote well-being and can reframe how you see the needs of students and your larger learning community. We will explore the intelligence of the artistic mind and engage with easy entree points to artistic activities that will help you and your staff to make critical movement towards intentional change. You may be more creative as a leader than you recognize! Learn more here.

Our Research

School-Wide Transformation Toward Arts-Centered Integrated Instruction and Learning: Bringing School Leadership Into Focus, by Thomas R. Green and Zuhra Teja, University of California, Berkeley, 2017. Funded by Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation.

Principal Leadership Network Profiles: Successful Arts-Centered Integrated Learning Leadership, Thomas R. Green, \UC Berkeley Principal Leadership Institute, 2019. Funded by the Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation.

Interested in leadership and creativity?